Principal & Owner
SLAY Architecture (formerly MAS Architecture, PLLC)
Established the company in December 2000. In 13 years have grown to 12 full-time staff, and a second office location in Laredo, Texas. In the last few years, we have been selected for and/or completed numerous large public and private projects, including a new Whole Foods Market, the City of San Antonio Public Safety Headquarters, Kronkosky Place Senior Center in Boerne, the SAC Campus package for the ACCD Bond work, new municipal complex for the City of Garden Ridge, planned communities and other multiple developments in Laredo, Texas, multiple retail, commercial, university, and other commercial projects.
President & Owner
SITEC Construction, LLC
Founded in 2008, SITEC has been providing single-source architectural design and construction services to our Clients that reflect the latest construction methods for value, aesthetics and performance. Exceptional value, outstanding quality and dependable on-time performance is the goal achieved on our Laredo, McAllen and San Antonio projects.
Bachelor of Environmental Design, Texas A&M University, 1991
Professional Registration
Texas Architect License No. 16442, since 1999
Work Experience
SLAY Architecture (formerly MAS Architecture, PLLC)
Principal & Owner – Madeline has over 23 years of experience in all facets of commercial and public architecture. She leads the firm in Business Development and her natural ability to establish and maintain relationships directly contributes to the firm’s success.
SITEC Construction, LLC 2008-Present
President/Owner – Led by licensed architects, our experienced team can seamlessly guide a project from concept to completion with efficiency, creativity, and continuity. Our inclusive approach, coupled with a process that balances good design and delivery practices enables us to create spaces that fulfill your mission and enhance your purpose.
RVK Architects 1994-2000
Associate – In 1994, as the only female intern in the firm, Madeline quickly established herself and was promoted to Associate.
JANA, Inc. 1993-1994
Project Manager, Grumman Melbourne Joint Stars Project – As the CAD Team Leader, her focus was on Product and Maintenance Manuals for US Government spy planes.
BHA Builders/Developers 1991-1993
Project Manager, Design-Build firm in Washington, D.C area – From the projects design through construction administration, Madeline executed all facets of the Residential Projects.